ATACS 8024-2e Composite Repair Console (Hot-bonder)
ATACS introduces the new, upgraded version of the 8024 Hot-Bonder. The more flexible 8024-2e replaces the original single-zone and dual-zone Hot-Bonders with an operator-configurable, 20 T/C, 2-zone system. The new hardware and software architectures were designed specifically to readily accommodate future expansion.
To increase readability and useability, ATACS has designed this system to use the large screen of a laptop. Unlike the old technology of built in screens – the high resolution, increased viewing angle, and illumination of a large screen provides an easy to use and easy to view total picture of the cure process.
By using a personal computer or laptop as the process controller, an unlimited number of cures and cure data can be stored. There in no longer a need to use thumb drives to move cures to and from the bonder to a computer. The computer is now directly connected to the Hot-Bonder via a USB cable.
To find out more, follow these links to the 8024-2e Features and Specifications pages. You will also be able to download a product brochure from these pages.
Composite Repair Heaters
We also supply a wide variety of flexible silicone heaters in a variate of sizes and shapes. For more information follow the link to our Heaters page.
Hot-bonder Accessories
Other Hot-Bonding supplies can be found on the Accessories page.